Giornata Nazionale della Cybersicurezza

29 novembre 2023

Giornata Nazionale della Cybersicurezza

R. Caso, Security, data, digital infrastructures. Universities, academic authonomy and freedom

–> Università delle piattaforme e della sorveglianza

–> June 2022, G7 Common Values and Principles on Research Security and
Research Integrity


“The security of the global research ecosystem regards the control of digital infrastructures and data. Currently, universities are suffering from the colonization of digital platforms in the hands of commercial monopolies (big tech; scientific publishers/data analytics companies). Some countries and universities are addressing the threat to autonomy and research freedom that comes from “platformization” and surveillance capitalism (see, e.g., LERU, University of Amsterdam).  Can G7 policies be imagined and designed that return control of digital infrastructures and the data to universities? What is the state of art in Italy?”