Global jurists call for waiver of global intellectual property rights for COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics

November 8, 2021, Global jurists call for waiver of global intellectual property rights for COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics

“Member States of the WTO who block or otherwise impede the adoption of a waiver of intellectual property rights for COVID-19 vaccines and other therapeutics are breaching their legal obligations to realize the rights to health, equality, life and science, the ICJ said today in an expert legal opinion published with the endorsement of over 85 jurists from across the world”.

Responsibility goes virtual: lessons from COVID vaccine patents

Mario Biagioli, Responsibility goes virtual: lessons from COVID vaccine patents, University of Trento, Faculty of Law, LawTech seminar, 29.10.2021

Video e materiali disponibili qui.


Prof. Mario Biagioli (Distinguished Professor, School of Law and Department of Communication, UCLA)


Prof.ssa Maria Chiara Pievatolo (Università di Pisa)

Prof.ssa Fiona Macmillan (Birkbeck, University of London, Roma Tre)

Prof.ssa Caterina Sganga (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa)

Responsabili scientifici: Prof. Roberto Caso e Dott.ssa Giulia Dore (Università di Trento)

Per approfondimenti v. M. Biagioli, Of Viruses and Licenses: Lessons from COVID-19 Vaccine Patent Debates, Los Angeles Review of Books, July 9, 2021